Friday, March 21, 2008

There's no such thing as an awkward first post...

When your focus is on music.

They recorded/existed between 92-94 and released singles on Audrey's Diary, A Turntable Friend, Bus Stop, and Spin Art record labels. They were Rick Durgin, Bryan Hanna, and Andrea Troolin. This particular compilation, Recommended for Diversion Seekers, was pieced together by Grimsey records in 1999. Musically, they were a mixture of understated vocals, subtle but beautiful lyrics, and soft, intricate guitar work. It's great stuff if you're into the lighter side of things - very good stress release. My favorite songs are: Hayley, Won't Find It, and Paler (listen to the lyrics). They were The Bomb Pops. Edit: Rick Durgin and Brian Hanna went on to work with The Legendary Jim Ruiz, if that means anything to anybody. Andrea Troolin is responsible for Grimsey records.

1 comment:

L said...

The Legendary Jim Ruiz - Yes, it does mean something; I have two records from them. And I never realized there was a connection to Bomb Pops and one of my favorite labels, Grimsey. Thanks for the write-up.